Aase Sales' Quarter Midget

January 08, 2016

We know no bounds when it comes to the racing industry, and into the Quarter Midget fields we entered. Quarter Midgets are approximately 1/4th the size of a regular Midget, hence the name Quarter Midget. Quarter Midgets run on a single cylinder engine, and in our case a Honda 120, but don't let that convince you that these cars don't have any power. Many high-competition Quarter Midgets reach upwards of 45 MPH, which is insanely quick in respect to the courses they are racing on.

Sponsored by AERO Advanced Paint Technology, this Bull Rider Quarter Midget has applied to it a new, innovative form of painting. AERO Advanced Paint Technology is not only environmentally friendly, but it also implicates an increase in performance. AERO Advanced Paint weighs less than traditional applications because it simply requires less to do the job. Traditional sprayed paint applications often require multiple layers of coating, AERO film-based paint applique is a one-coat process.

Not only is it light-weight, it is also aero-dynamic. AERO Advanced Paint Technology in its final form is one one-thousandth of an inch. Not only this, but AERO Advance Paint also just looks sleek and futuristic, it is described as liquid metal. How cool is that?!


Take a look at a few pictures we have now of the Quarter Midget, and check back later for some updates!

Quarter Midget



Quarter Midget in Action


The Aase Sales' Quarter Midget Wins!

Aase Sales' sponsored Quarter Midget takes 1st place at the Columbus fair-grounds Quarter Midget Races.