'Rubystone Red' and 'rare' are two things that should be synonymous in the Porsche community when it comes to the 964 series. The production number for this paint color on the 964 series is extremely low, in part because no one really wanted it. Sure, it is definitely a looker but it seemed like just that - everyone loved to look at them, but no one really wanted to write out a check to actually buy one. Stripper pink, as I've commonly heard it called, was seen by many as a lady's color - as such most didn't want to be caught dead having one sitting in their garage. However, times are changing and perhaps more are attuning to their feminine side. The Rubystone Red 964 is now more highly sought after and is seen as a jewel of an addition to any collector's arsenal.
Nothing screams fast like a streak of 'pink' blazing down the road powered by a 3.6L Turbo engine. With only 48,000 miles it doesn't see the road everyday, but when it does it really does.