(New) 911/912 Front Right Repair Frame for Turn Signal - 1965-94

Product Description:

New front passenger's side steel repair frames for turn signals indicators on 911 and 912 models.

Can also be welded to the SC model and 964 for a backdate conversion.


911, 1965-73

*note SWB [1965 to 1968] models will require modifications as the horn grille opening is for the shorter LWB grille

**also used for back-dating 1974-94 models**

912, 1965-69

*note SWB [1965 to 1968] models will require modifications as the horn grille opening is for the shorter LWB grille

**also used for back-dating 1976 models**

Product Number:

**number is for whole fender, for reference only**

901 503 032 23
