(New) 35oz Heavy Duty Wheel Cleaner

Product Description:

If you go a little too long between washings or you drive a vehicle with brakes that blacken your wheels, here's some much-needed help. You're going to love how well this cleaner works and how easy it will be to remove stubborn grime. Heavy-Duty Wheel Cleaner is a pH-balanced, non-acidic, and non-caustic formula. Its thick solution clings to the surface, breaking down and loosening stubborn brake dust and road grime. It actually changes color as it works! Spray on, allow it to remain on the wheel for 3 to 5 minutes, gently agitate with any one of our cleaning tools, and then rinse clean. Safe for use on any wheel finish: painted, chromed, uncoated aluminum, powder coated, and anodized. There are wheel cleaning products on the market that claim to be spray-on, hose-off, no-touch wheel cleaners. If you've tested them like we have you've discovered they don't really get your wheels thoroughly clean. You still have to wipe the surface for a proper cleaning.This cleaner is safe and it really works. It's especially good for harsh weather.