Most folks figure polishing is all that is needed to remove the roughness you can feel with your fingertips and clean the paint to get it ready for waxing, but polishing is unnecessary unless you are removing a scratch. You may only need to clean the paint to get it ready for waxing. Our clay is a pliable bar, and its sticky nature enables the clay to pick up and hold onto the contaminant as it glides across the surface. To get it to glide across the surface, Speed Shine® must be used as a lubricant. Our clay is bright yellow so you can see exactly what's coming off of your paint. As the bar gets dirty, just knead it a bit and flatten it out into another fresh patty. Unlike other cleaners and polishes, no buffing or hard circular motions are necessary. Follow up with any of our paint sealants or waxes. One large, 8 ounce, 226 gram bar cleans about 7 vehicles, depending on the amount of contamination. Use the clay bar each time you wax and/or polish your vehicle.